Lost and Found Pets Near Windsor Locks, CT

Pets Near Windsor Locks, CT

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27 Results


Breed: Himalayan
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Years
Microchip: 981020049141356
Other Id: 200615
Color: Gray black white
Lost 2/7/2024
Lost Pet


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female
Age: 5 Years
Microchip: 985112011103536
Other Id: 195889
Color: Tabico
Lost 3/22/2023
Lost Pet


Breed: Chihuahua/Mixed
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years
Microchip: 990000004465065
Other Id: 171615
Color: Brown
Lost 7/25/2021
Lost Pet

Domestic Short Hair

Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female
Coloring: Grey and black striped
Microchip: 985113005496137
Last Seen 11/7/2024
Lost Pet

Aid to Helpless Animals, Inc.

Address: PO Box 434
Location: Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002
Phone: 203-666-3276

Animal Control Officer

Address: 1540 Sullivan Ave
Location: South Windsor , Connecticut 06074
Phone: 860-648-6238

Animal Welfare Federation of Connecticut, Inc

Address: P.O. Box 673
Location: Bloomfiled, Connecticut 06002
Phone: 000-000-0000
Email: info@awfct.org

Beagles Etc.

Address: P.O. Box 106
Location: Windsor, Connecticut 06064
Phone: 000-000-0000
Email: beaglesetc@gmail.com

Bloomfield Animal Control

Address: 785 Park Ave
Location: Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002
Phone: 860-242-5501
Email: animalcontrol@bloomfieldpolice.org

Connecticut Cat Connection

Address: 40 Stevens Mill Road
Location: Windsor, Connecticut 06095
Phone: 860-219-9396
Email: adoptions@ctcatconnection.org

CT Vet Center - Windsor

Address: 620 Bloomfield Ave
Location: Windsor, Connecticut 06095
Phone: 860-688-2026

East Windsor Animal Control

Address: 25 School Street
Location: East Windsor, Connecticut 06088
Phone: 860-292-1962
Email: ewanimalcontrol@yahoo.com

Enfield Animal Control

Address: 293 Elm Street
Location: Enfield, Connecticut 06082
Email: dyoho@enfield.org

Enfield Animal Hospital

Address: 26 Oliver Rd
Location: Enfield, Connecticut 06082
Phone: 860-745-1609
Email: EnfieldVet@aol.com

Enfield Animal Shelter

Address: 60 Parsons Road
Location: Enfield, Connecticut 06082
Phone: 860-763-8944
Email: GWilson@enfield.org

Feral Cats of East Windsor in

Address: 368 Scantic Rd
Location: East Windsor, Connecticut 06088
Phone: 860-982-3303
Email: rbergeron235@gmail.com

Good Dog Rescue

Address: 54 Hazard Ave #139
Location: Enfield, Connecticut 06082
Phone: 000-000-0000
Email: info@gooddogrescue.com

Kennedy Road Veterinary Clinic

Address: 960 Kennedy Road
Location: Windsor, Connecticut 06095
Phone: 860-688-4777

Our Companions Animal Rescue

Address: 46 Floeting Road
Location: Ashford, Connecticut 06278
Phone: 860-242-9999
Email: helpline@ourcompanions.org

Protectors of animals

Address: ggga
Location: hhhh, Connecticut 06074
Phone: 860-569-0720
Email: mscanlinb@comcast.net

Smith Blowers Adoption

Address: 39 Patria Rd
Location: South Windsor, Connecticut 06074
Phone: 860-528-2178
Email: smithblowersadoption@yahoo.com

South Windsor Police Services

Address: 151 Sand Hill Road
Location: South Windsor, Connecticut 06074
Phone: 860-644-2551
Email: massan@southwindsor.org

St. Gertrude’s Mission

Address: 493 warnertown rd
Location: Suffield, Connecticut 06078
Email: xanthev@hotmail.com

Suffield Veterinary Hospital

Address: 577 East St South
Location: Suffield, Connecticut 06078
Phone: 860-668-4041

Town of Windsor Animal Control

Address: 69 Mechanic St
Location: Windsor, Connecticut 06095
Phone: 860-688-4545
Email: Davis@townofwindsorct.com

Valley Vet Hospital

Address: 166 Rye St
Location: Broad Brook, Connecticut 06016
Phone: 860-627-7064

Windsor Locks Animal Control

Address: 4 Volunteer Drive
Location: Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06096
Email: aco@windsorlockspolice.com