Lost and Found Pets Near Windham, ME

Pets Near Windham, ME

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18 Results

Tater Tot

Breed: Domestic Long Hair
Gender: Male
Age: 1 Year
Microchip: 981020053370287
Other Id: 223662
Color: Blacks and browns
Lost 2/6/2025
Lost Pet


Breed: Tuxedo
Gender: Female
Age: 1 Year
Microchip: 981020053336070
Other Id: 210842
Color: White and Grey
Lost 6/13/2024
Lost Pet


Breed: Tabby
Gender: Male
Age: 8 Years
Microchip: 982000410407715
Other Id: 203541
Color: Multi colored
Lost 10/23/2023
Lost Pet


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Years
Microchip: 985141002827353
Other Id: 195172
Color: Calico
Lost 8/30/2023
Lost Pet


Breed: Standard Schnauzer/Beagle
Gender: Male
Age: 3 Years
Microchip: 992000001389355
Other Id: 216652
Color: Salt Pepper
Lost 3/19/2023
Lost Pet


Breed: Tuxedo
Gender: Male
Age: 7 Years
Microchip: 956000005273161
Other Id: 194364
Color: Black and white
Lost 3/10/2023
Lost Pet


Breed: Tabby
Gender: Male
Age: 4 Years
Microchip: 981020039327851
Other Id: 179783
Color: grey striped
Lost 7/18/2022
Lost Pet


Breed: Domestic Medium Hair
Gender: Female
Age: 8 Years
Microchip: 982000410476801
Other Id: 163482
Color: Brown White
Lost 8/29/2020
Lost Pet

Animal Refuge League

Address: P.O. Box 336
Location: Westbrook, Maine 04092
Phone: 207-854-9771

Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland

Address: 217 Landing Road
Location: Westbrook, Maine 04092
Phone: 207-854-9771

Dogs Deserve Better - Maine

Address: 63 Hawthorne St
Location: Portland, Maine 04103
Email: DDBMaine@yahoo.com

Friends of Feral Felines

Address: P.O. Box 8137
Location: Portland, Maine 04104
Email: friendsofferalfelines@hotmail.com

H.A.R.T. Homeless Animal Rescue Team of Maine

Address: 302 Range Rd
Location: 207-829-4116, Maine 04021
Phone: 207-829-4116
Email: info@hartofme.com

KVSSC Rescue

Address: 66 Caleb Street
Location: Portland, Maine 04102
Email: kvsscrescue@yahoo.com

MAGRR New England

Address: P. O. Box 6074
Location: Falmouth, Maine 04105
Email: rescuegold@magrr.org

Maine Humane Center

Address: 279 River Rd
Location: Windham, Maine 04062
Phone: 207-892-8007

Maine State SPCA

Address: PO Box 10
Location: Windham, Maine 04062
Phone: 800-482-7447

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue

Address: 3 Upland Way
Location: Falmouth, Maine 04105
Email: chabbe@aol.com