Lost and Found Pets Near Vandalia, MI

Pets Near Vandalia, MI

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7 Results


Breed: American Bulldog/Mix Over 30 lbs
Gender: Male
Age: 8 Years
Microchip: 990000003686239
Other Id: 208431
Color: White
Lost 5/21/2024
Lost Pet


Breed: Rat Terrier
Gender: Female
Age: 15 Years
Microchip: 042301272
Other Id: 207396
Color: Black and White
Lost 5/9/2023
Lost Pet


Breed: Siberian Husky
Gender: Female
Age: 5 Years
Microchip: 981020043770400
Other Id: 177670
Color: Black and White
Lost 6/16/2022
Lost Pet

Bergman Vet

Address: 906 East St
Location: Cassopolis , Michigan 49031
Phone: 269-445-3841
Email: info@bergmanvetmed.com

Cass County Animal Control

Address: 323 M-62 North
Location: Cassopolis, Michigan 49031
Phone: 269-445-3701
Email: ccac@cassco.org

Cassopolis County Animal Control & Shelter

Address: 323 North M-62
Location: Cassopolis, Michigan 49031
Phone: 616-445-3701

Pets Alive, Inc.

Address: 21800 Fox Street
Location: Cassopolis, Michigan 49031
Phone: 269-445-8825