Lost and Found Pets Near Southport, NC

Pets Near Southport, NC

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7 Results


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Years
Microchip: 981020045003857
Other Id: 197569
Color: black tabby
Lost 12/30/2022
Lost Pet

Emily kruse

Breed: Boxer/Pug
Gender: Female
Age: 14 Years
Microchip: 991001004030274
Other Id: 206078
Color: Brindle
Lost 10/15/2022
Lost Pet


Breed: American Shorthair
Gender: Male
Age: 4 Years
Microchip: 982000364298934
Other Id: 154027
Color: Yellow and white
Lost 11/14/2020
Lost Pet

Potter League for Animals

Address: PO Box 412
Location: Newport, Rhode Island 28404
Phone: 401-846-8276
Email: LynneM@potterleague.org

Southport Animal Shelter

Address: 201 E Moore St
Location: Southport, North Carolina 28461
Phone: 910-457-7926
Email: charles_drew@southportnc.org

Southport Oak Island Animal Rescue

Address: 3376 St Charles Place
Location: Southport, North Carolina 28461
Email: webmaster@soar-nc.org

Southport/Oak Island Animal Rescue (SOAR)

Address: 3376 St Charles Place
Location: Southport, North Carolina 28461
Phone: 910-457-6340
Email: soardogs@aol.com