Lost and Found Pets Near Redding, CT

Pets Near Redding, CT

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23 Results


Breed: Tabby
Gender: Male
Age: 12 Years
Microchip: 985112002099587
Other Id: 217747
Color: Tabby with white chest
Lost 8/8/2024
Lost Pet


Breed: Carolina Dog American Dingo
Gender: Female
Age: 11 Years
Other Id: 201802
Color: Black and Tan
Lost 11/23/2022
Lost Pet


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female
Age: 2 Years
Microchip: 985113006967796
Other Id: 195421
Color: Black
Lost 10/15/2022
Lost Pet


Breed: Labrador Retriever
Gender: Female
Age: 11 Years
Microchip: 985112006231648
Other Id: 211451
Color: black with tan markings
Lost 5/1/2022
Lost Pet


Breed: Old English Bulldog
Gender: Female
Age: 11 Years
Microchip: 941000014270326
Other Id: 178104
Color: Tan
Lost 5/11/2021
Lost Pet


Breed: Greyhound/Labrador Retriever
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years
Microchip: 070000000073608
Other Id: 146399
Color: Black with white chest
Lost 1/4/2020
Lost Pet

Animal Eye Clinic, LLC

Address: 2 Pimpewaug Road
Location: Wilton, Connecticut 06897
Phone: 203-762-9399

Animals in Distress

Address: 238 Danbury Road
Location: Wilton, Connecticut 06897
Email: myannie3@yahoo.com

Bethel Veterinary Hospital

Address: 25 Turkey Plain Road
Location: Bethel, Connecticut 06801
Phone: 203-794-0247

Canine Advocates of Newtown Inc.

Address: P.O.Box 236
Location: Newtown, Connecticut 06470
Email: director@canineadvocates.org

Chinchilla Depot

Address: Danbury
Location: Danbury, Connecticut 06810
Phone: 203-743-2566
Email: Stinkymlc@aol.com

Danbury Animal Control

Address: 111 Street
Location: Danbury, Connecticut 06810
Email: A.Mitchell@ci.danbury.ct.us

Danbury Animal Welfare Society Inc.

Address: P.O. Box 971
Location: Danbury, Connecticut 06813
Phone: 203-790-6511
Email: daws@daws.org

Danbury Canine

Address: Plumtrees Rd.
Location: Danbury, Connecticut 06810
Phone: 203-748-6456
Email: L.Davis@ci.danbury.ct.us

Easton Animal Shelter

Address: 13 West Port Rd.
Location: Easton, Connecticut 06612
Phone: 203-268-9172

Mill Plain Vet Clinic

Address: 66 Mill Plain Rd
Location: Danbury , Connecticut
Phone: 203-790-8387
Email: support@millplainvet.com

Newtown Animal Control

Address: Ethan Allen Road
Location: Newtown, Connecticut 06470
Email: newtonanimalcontrol@yahoo.com

Noah’s Ark

Address: 44 Mill Plain
Location: Danbury, Connecticut
Phone: 203-743-9999
Email: noahsark-ah@sbcglobal.net

Passage East Boarding Kennels

Address: 499 Danbury Road
Location: Wilton, Connecticut 06897
Email: passage_east@sbcglobal.net

Plumtrees Animal Hospital

Address: 65 Newtown Road
Location: Danbury, Connecticut 06810
Phone: 203-748-8878

ROAR Donofrio Family Animal Shelter

Address: 45 South Street
Location: Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877
Email: shelter@roar-ridgefield.org

The Amanda Connection

Address: 111 Street
Location: Newtown, Connecticut 06470
Email: Noahandlea@aol.com

The Animal Center Inc.

Address: PO Box 475
Location: Newtown, Connecticut 06470
Email: info@theanimalcenter.org