Lost Pets
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Vets & Shelters
27 Results
Winnie Lou
Breed: Maltipoo
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Years
Microchip: 991003000680640
Other Id: 153369
Color: light brown
Lost 10/19/2024
Breed: Domestic Short Hair/Bengal
Gender: Male
Age: 3 Years
Microchip: 985112012095067
Other Id: 216666
Color: Black / brown
Lost 9/14/2024
Breed: American Grey Cat
Gender: Female
Age: 1 Year
Microchip: 985113008985510
Other Id: 217563
Color: Grey
Lost 8/28/2024
Breed: Domestic Short Hair/Tuxedo
Gender: Female
Age: 1 Year
Microchip: 941010001361135
Other Id: 217432
Color: Black and white
Lost 7/9/2024
Breed: DMH
Gender: Female
Age: 1 Year
Microchip: 900085001453767
Other Id: 196324
Color: grey
Lost 2/23/2024
Breed: Maine Coon
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Years
Microchip: 985113006698326
Other Id: 194600
Color: Brown black
Lost 2/16/2024
Breed: Boxer Mix
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years
Microchip: 900164001464646
Other Id: 191000
Color: Tan/brown
Lost 2/28/2023
Breed: Tiger
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years
Microchip: 982126055164878
Other Id: 189177
Color: Black tiger with rust markings
Lost 2/13/2023
Breed: Calico
Gender: Female
Age: 7 Years
Microchip: 911002001564616
Other Id: 215671
Color: calico
Lost 5/8/2022
Breed: French Bulldog
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years
Other Id: 170593
Color: Fawn
Lost 12/15/2021
Breed: Domestic Medium Hair
Gender: Male
Age: 8 Years
Microchip: 981020019193204
Other Id: 175240
Color: Black
Lost 11/1/2021
Stormy Bubbins
Breed: Tabby
Gender: Male
Age: 4 Years
Microchip: 985113004803705
Other Id: 166451
Color: Grey Tabby Cat
Lost 6/29/2021
Breed: Mixed Breed Cat
Gender: Male
Age: 11 Years
Microchip: 985113000610276
Other Id: 173967
Color: Black
Lost 4/24/2021
Breed: Tabby
Gender: Female
Age: 7 Years
Microchip: 941000022081076
Other Id: 123232
Color: Grey brown white. White face and belly
Lost 9/21/2020
Breed: Thai Ridgeback/Mixed
Gender: Female
Age: 9 Years
Microchip: 840620106
Other Id: 159249
Color: tan
Lost 8/7/2020
Cavy Rescue New England
Address: PO Box 405
Location: Minot, Massachusetts 02055
Phone: 781-925-9276
Email: shanclan2003@yahoo.com
Doggieritaville Resort & Daycare
Address: 1184 Washington St, Rte 53
Location: Weymouth, Massachusetts 02189
Phone: 781-335-1419
Email: John@weymouthdogshop.com
Foster Parrots, Ltd.
Address: PO Box 650
Location: Rockland, Massachusetts 02370
Phone: 781-878-3733
Email: Marc@fosterparrots.com
Last Resort, The
Address: 1126 Broadway
Location: Hanover, Massachusetts 02339
Phone: 781-826-9560
Address: PO Box 890127
Location: East Bweymouth, Massachusetts 02189
Email: MassHumane@aol.com
Old Derby Animal Hospital
Address: 40 Recreation Park Dr
Location: Hingham, Massachusetts
Phone: (781) 749-2800
Email: clientservices@oldderbyah.com
Pet Parents Foundation
Address: 1132 Main St
Location: Weymouth, Massachusetts 02190
Phone: 781-340-1234
Pookie’s Pals
Address: PO Box 226
Location: Norwell, Massachusetts 02061
Phone: 781-659-4023
South Coastal Animal Health
Address: 1597 Main St
Location: Weymouth, Massachusetts
Phone: (781) 340-0800
Email: southcoastalah@hotmail.com
Standish Humane Society
Address: 622 Congress St
Location: Duxbury, Massachusetts 02332
Phone: 781-834-4663
Email: standishhumane@comcast.net
Town of Marshfield Animal Shelter
Address: 156 Clay Pit Road
Location: Marshfield, Massachusetts 02050
Email: cillawet@att.net
Vca South Shore Animal Hosp
Address: 595 Columbian St
Location: Weymouth, Massachusetts
Phone: (781) 337-6622
Email: allison.beane@vcamail.com