Lost and Found Pets Near Flemington, NJ

Pets Near Flemington, NJ

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7 Results

Buddy Butkewicz

Breed: Mix Over 30 lbs
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Years
Microchip: 992000001602587
Other Id: 190928
Color: Brown with white chest
Lost 2/28/2023
Lost Pet

Collie and Ibizan Rescue of Central New Jersey

Address: 1003 Croton Road
Location: Pittstown, New Jersey 08867
Email: ruffcollies@yahoo.com

Karing for Katz

Location: annandale, New Jersey 08801
Phone: 908-995-7128
Email: karingforkatz@gmail.com

Orphans of the Storm NJ

Address: 115 Stanton Road
Location: Flemington, New Jersey 08822
Phone: 908-281-9425
Email: Adopt4Paws@yahoo.com

Tabby’s Place

Address: 1100 US Highway 202
Location: Ringoes, New Jersey 08551
Email: info@tabbysplace.org

Watchung Mountain Poodle Club

Address: na
Location: Flemington, New Jersey 08822
Phone: 908-237-1347
Email: WatchungMtnPoodleClubRescue@hotmail.com

Watchung Mountain Poodle Club Rescue

Address: 111 Street
Location: Flemington, New Jersey 08822
Email: WatchungMtnPoodleClubRescue@hotmail.com