Lost and Found Pets Near Claremore, OK

Pets Near Claremore, OK

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8 Results


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female
Age: 10 Years
Microchip: 981020023164626
Other Id: 156197
Color: Grey tabby/ tortoise
Lost 7/10/2020
Lost Pet

Claremore Animal Control

Address: 815 W. Ramm Rd
Location: Claremore, Oklahoma 74017
Phone: 918-341-1260
Email: Animalcontrol@claremore.com

Fight 4 Flight Parrot Rescue, Inc

Address: 702 E 6th St
Location: Claremore, Oklahoma 74017
Phone: 918-283-1264
Email: fight4flightparrotrescue@yahoo.com

Meadows of Pitbulls Rescue

Address: 516 N Florence Ave
Location: Claremore, Oklahoma 74017
Phone: 918-923-6050
Email: meadowsofpitbullsrescue@cox.net

Pug Rescue Owasso

Address: 20398 S 4092 Road
Location: Claremore, Oklahoma 74019
Phone: 918-729-6181
Email: jimklaine@pugrescueowasso.org

Rogers County Humane Society

Address: PO Box 1046
Location: Claremore, Oklahoma 74018
Phone: 918-313-4864
Email: rchumanesociety@yahoo.com

Rozlyns Hope

Address: 8505 E Melody Ln.
Location: Clarmore, Oklahoma 74019
Email: djtheenforcer@aol.com

Zois Animal Rescue

Address: P.O. Box 2905
Location: Claremore, Oklahoma 74018
Email: zoianimalrescue@yahoo.com