Lost and Found Pets Near Boones Mill, VA

Pets Near Boones Mill, VA

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12 Results


Breed: Pit Bull
Gender: Male
Age: 1 Year
Microchip: 985141007033322
Other Id: 211669
Color: Gray white
Lost 4/11/2024
Lost Pet


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Male
Age: 10 Years
Microchip: 981020045821713
Other Id: 185645
Color: Grey
Lost 7/9/2023
Lost Pet


Breed: Oriental
Gender: Male
Age: 3 Years
Microchip: 981020041518538
Other Id: 170588
Color: Chestnut
Lost 5/30/2023
Lost Pet


Breed: Goldendoodle
Gender: Female
Age: 2 Years
Microchip: 981020037188796
Other Id: 206138
Color: white/beige
Lost 12/27/2022
Lost Pet

Brandon Animal Hospital of Roanoke

Address: 34033 Brandon Ave SE
Location: Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Phone: 540-345-8486

Cave Spring Piggie Rescue

Address: P.O. Box 21364
Location: Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Email: CaveSpringCavies@gmail.com

Dream Catcher Farm Horse Sanctuary

Address: 495 Adam Perry Rd
Location: Rocky Mount, Virginia 24151
Phone: 540-489-1262
Email: home4them@horsesanctuary.com

Four Paws

Address: 4365 Rosevale Rd
Location: Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Phone: 540-772-8080

Franklin County Animal Hospital

Address: 17068 Virgil H. Goode Hwy.
Location: Rocky Mount, Virginia 24151
Email: karen@fcah.com

Franklin County Humane Society Inc. dba Planned Pethood Clinic

Address: P.O.Box 298
Location: Rocky Mount, Virginia 24065
Phone: 540-489-3491
Email: plannedpethoodrockymount@yahoo.com

Roanoke County Animal Shelter

Address: PO Box 29800
Location: Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Phone: 703-561-8040

Yuppie Puppie Inc

Address: 3494 Buck Mountain Rd
Location: Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Phone: 540-989-6956