
Missing Since Friday, June 27, 2014
Pet Photo
  • Pet Name Jude
  • Breed Domestic Short Hair
  • Age 14 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Coloring White w/ black nose and on head
  • Microchip 0A1168627B
  • Rabies Tag N/A
  • Ref # 992986
Pet Description


Last Known Location

City: Lakewood, Colorado 80226  Crossroads: Belmar Ave / Garrison Ave

A Message From the Owner

Lost in the area of Lakewood CO between Belmar and Addenbrooke Parks near Cody Street and Belmar.

This Pet Needs Your Help!

If you have any information on this pet's location please contact Petkey immediately at 734-600-3463 or www.petkey.org.