
Missing Since Friday, December 30, 2016
Pet Photo
  • Pet Name Major
  • Breed Pit Bull
  • Age 11 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Coloring White with light brown patch over Right eye
  • Microchip N/A
  • Rabies Tag N/A
  • Ref # 1697156
Pet Description

Very sweet and friendly. Got out of backyard after storm.

Last Known Location

City: chillicothe, Ohio 45601  Crossroads: 5th Street / Main Street

A Message From the Owner

Major got out of the backyard after the windstorm Friday. Please return him to his sister and family at 302 Brennan Road, Chillicothe.

This Pet Needs Your Help!

If you have any information on this pet's location please contact Petkey immediately at 734-600-3463 or www.petkey.org.