
Missing Since Sunday, August 20, 2017
Pet Photo
  • Pet Name Kai
  • Breed Maine Coon Mix
  • Age 8 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Coloring Black gray white
  • Microchip 982000363903809
  • Rabies Tag N/A
  • Ref # 1440957
Pet Description


Last Known Location

City: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159  Crossroads: 97th St / S Fairview Dr

A Message From the Owner

Kai is a long haired Maine Coon mix. I believe he somehow got out the back door and started to wonder. He's a very friendly cat so he should walk right up to you if you call out to him. If you see home please call me anytime.

This Pet Needs Your Help!

If you have any information on this pet's location please contact Petkey immediately at 734-600-3463 or www.petkey.org.