
Missing Since Saturday, June 28, 2014
Pet Photo
  • Pet Name Marley
  • Breed Mixed
  • Age 16 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Coloring brown/black
  • Microchip 0A10435E3C
  • Rabies Tag N/A
  • Ref # 992333
Pet Description


Last Known Location

City: Central islip, New York 11722  Crossroads: Carlton / Suffolk

A Message From the Owner

Marley went missing from home. He is wearing a black collar. He is black all over in color with tan markings on face and legs. He has a cropped tail. He is very friendly. He may growl at strangers. When he is happy he wiggles his back end. Please call us at 866-699-3463 if you see Marley.

This Pet Needs Your Help!

If you have any information on this pet's location please contact Petkey immediately at 734-600-3463 or www.petkey.org.